About Sea Quill
- By Michael Smart
- June 7, 2014
- 1 Comment
Hi. Welcome to my author blog. I am Michael W. Smart, I write mystery and science fiction novels. I do not consider myself an avid or prolific blogger, finding the task daunting and a bit uncomfortable. I prefer to spend my time reading and writing novels, rather than writing what might be perceived as self-aggrandizement. I do not expect to provide minute by minute or chapter by chapter chronicles of my writing or works in progress, though to be honest up front, I created this blog to enhance my online author platform and promote my writing. But I will refrain from the practice of persistently pushing myself and my novels, only providing news on my work when it is appropriate and meaningful. Rather I hope to provide content which may offer useful ideas and insights to my readers.
Having said that, I lay no claim to being an expert in anything. In fact I think the word expert has been much overused, losing its potency and veracity in the era of cable television news and the internet. The pontificating gabfests of so called experts merely a means of promoting themselves and whatever it is they’re selling. And I have nothing new to add to the oceans of excellent, insightful and educational blogs on writing, publishing, and promotional marketing already out there. My personal perspective is in no way unique or new. Though I may from time to time offer bits of advice based on my own experiences when solicited or warranted. I do possess an eclectic accumulation of knowledge on a vast variety of subjects, which only makes me a ‘jack of all trades but master of none’. Well not entirely, there are a few areas such as writing, blue water sailing, and piloting aircraft, in which my skills and long experience may allow me to wax eloquently and knowledgably, perhaps approaching a modicum of expertise. And I love to talk and write about all three. In fact, here is a standing invitation to any authors out there whose story incorporates aircraft, yachts. sailing or flying. Forward me your questions on these topics as you conduct your research. I’d be more than happy to discuss writing, sailing or flying with you.
So, what to do with a blog I do not wish to be about me, or to rehash topics more than adequately covered elsewhere? My solution is to offer a blog geared to indie authors like myself (note I wrote indie authors, I’m attempting to discard the loaded term self-published from my vocabulary), who are navigating the convoluted waters of marketing and promotion of their work. On this blog I will offer my perspective on writing, and by offering reviews hopefully I will discover great books by indie authors and turn my readers on to them. I may from time to time espouse on other thoughts of interest provoked by what I read. Hopefully readers of this blog will reciprocate and return the favor. After all, as indie authors we need to support and promote each other as a community.
So let’s get to it. You’ll find my requirements for submitting works for review on my submissions page. In addition to this blog, I will post reviews on my social network sites, on Amazon, and on book sites where I have a membership or where the author may request it.
Fair winds and following seas.

Congrats on getting started, Michael. You’re going to have a wonderful time blogging. I have never regreeted the time spent.